Technology works best when it is focused on business solutions
Tag: <span>comparisons</span>

Hours, Effort, Completed Tasks and Measuring Developer Value

It may be the line of business I am in (consulting), but it seems like finding how to evaluate developers is a common challenge.  There are discussions and even arguments about developer value that impact employees, projects, and even companies.  Although I do not have some divine insight to provide, I do have some food for thought as you consider this obstacle. Developer Value Varies Geometrically The most significant challenge in finding the correct mix of skills and adequate compensation …

Configuration Vs. Coding – Modern Software Systems

Over the years that I have been in the software development profession, I have watched solutions evolve dramatically.  The progress has gone from code to libraries to frameworks and now configurable systems.  However, there are trade-offs to consider when you look at a configurable system instead of one that allows for customization with code.  This is becoming a more common dilemma for businesses.  Thus, it is good to look at the pros and cons of each approach.  Here are some …