Past Projects

We have worked on many projects over the years. However, here are some to provide a feel for the wide range of work we have done. We focus on defining a problem and then crafting a custom solution to best fit the needs of our customer. Feel free to contact us for more information on any of these.


Past Projects

The projects listed below are not comprehensive. We can provide more detail for specific solutions we have created or worked on by request. When in doubt, contact us with questions or if you want more information about past projects.


Website Creation and Data Gathering

The Problem: Gather data from multiple sources and convert it into a standard format we can import into our systems. Provide a user interface that makes it easy to add more data sources in the future and run the imports ad hoc manner.

The Solution:  We rewrote the initial scripts and code to craft a system that can be easily enhanced and expanded. This work included a web UI for the processes and numerous data manipulation features.

The Technology: Primarily Python and Django with MySQL


Ongoing Support and Development

The Problem: The customer has multiple sites, maintenance needs, and regular updates and enhancements.

The Solution:  This work started as a series of one-off tasks. Then, we incorporated processes, tools, and other resources to streamline maintenance and enhancement efforts.

The Technology: Primarily Perl, MySQL, and Python


API/Integration – Multiple Clients

The Problem: Integrate our system with another one or more systems so we can reduce redundancy and improve access to critical data.

The Solution: Discuss the specific pieces of data to integrate and how best to make it available to users. We discuss details about the data, the business value, and how it is used. This approach provides a solution that integrates smoothly into current processes.

The Technology: Primarily Python or PHP. This includes many integration targets, from payment processors to CRMs to ERPs.


Back Office/Document Management

The Problem: The customer had a solution built in MS Access to manage legal documents.  That did not scale to multiple users, nor was it easy to access or maintain.

The Solution: Build a web application with a relational database to make the solution more accessible and scalable.

The Technology: PHP, Azure, SQL Server


Directory Site and Services

The Problem: Create a directory site that allows customers to find local service providers while helping providers market their services and improve reach.

The Solution: Build a mobile-friendly web application. Include a way for service providers to register and incorporate marketing material. Also, provide a method to purchase marketing services aimed at their industry. Integrate with the marketing services to make it easy for service providers to do all their marketing work on this site. We helped with requirements gathering, design, and user experience to craft a solution that fit the budget.

The Technology: PHP, MySQL, The Hoth API Integration


API Upgrades and Enhancements

The Problem: Add functionality to an existing system and take over from a prior developer. Plan for growth

The Solution: Documented the current system and processes while adding features and standards. These were application improvements for the users and made ramping up new developers much shorter. Maintenance and development costs were reduced through these changes.

The Technology: Python, PostgreSQL, Jenkins, AWS


IT Assessment, Staff Assessment, IT Director Transition

The Problem: Assess the IT infrastructure and team for a non-profit. Recommend improvements. This grew to include finding a new IT director.

The Solution: Review and document the current team and responsibilities. Create a list of job requirements and wants for the new director. Perform initial screening and interviews of candidates. Assist the new director in the transition and planning moving forward.

The Technology: MS Office, CRM, NAV, and other MS enterprise technologies.


Product Development/General IT Consulting

The Problem: Guide an e-commerce company in building out its solutions and enhancing operations. 

The Solution: Review technology and solutions to create RFPs for multiple projects. This included assisting in vendor selection discussions and project management.

The Technology: Magento


Counseling Website and Business Consulting

The Problem: A small counseling business needed a web presence that was easy to maintain. 

The Solution: Guide the customer through selecting a WordPress platform, branding updates, and process changes/guidelines for SEO.

The Technology: WordPress, BlueHost


Job Search Crawler

The Problem: A job site wanted to gather data from multiple sources. 

The Solution: Create a series of scripts and a shared data format to pull from all the sources into a single source the site could use for display and tracking.

The Technology: Python, Portia, Scrapy, MySQL


Boutique Website Umbrella/Investment Company

The Problem: An umbrella company wanted to find ways to manage its half-dozen sites efficiently. The sites also needed updates.

The Solution: Architectural design, requirements gathering, technical support, and document creation for internal and external users. There were also a variety of other technical tasks required to build, maintain and update the roughly half-dozen sites. A move to responsive design was part of the enhancements on a couple of the sites.

The Technology: .NET, Java


Convert a virtual company into a software development company

The Problem: A SAAS product company (two products) wanted to convert from 100% outsourced IT to an internal team.

The Solution: The project created an entire software development team over 18 months. That included defining and filling several job positions. We also simplified a hodgepodge of technologies and approaches. The result was a Java Spring application that used Postgres for the database and Jasper for Reporting.  This reduced the libraries and complexity of the overall system. We also re-architected the applications to a more efficient design.

The Technology: Java, Jasper, PostgreSQL, Selenium


Product Development/Design/Create an RFP for a Start-up

The Problem: The company had built a couple of applications through outsourcing. They desired to create a new application but needed better success from the developers.

The Solution: We helped him define requirements and created an RFP that resulted in better responses. The customer found a great developer for the new application. Thus, the relationship with RB Consulting has continued, with us serving as a form of check and balance with his developer. This approach has resulted in a smoother development process and progress to production deployment.

The Technology: Java, AWS


Rescue a Failing Project

The Problem: Assess an existing Java web application for viability and create a plan to reboot the project

The Solution:  The initial plan was to find an outsourced developer or team. We then managed them to ensure project success. We had gotten to know the customer as a resource to fix a few bugs and help finish a project. However, this became a rewrite as we found critical flaws in the original architecture and approach. The reboot involved a new design, a new architecture, and a new platform. It resulted in creating an RFP to find the best resources for the project.

The Technology: Java, AWS


Coding and Research/Proof-of-Concept Creation

The Problem: A customer needed staff augmentation.

The Solution:  This started as simple staff augmentation but grew into a broad range of small projects. The work included new feature scoping and implementation. Later releases tackled performance tuning, bug fixing, and general maintenance. Other projects included research into many APIs and building integration, social network integrations, and communication frameworks like WebRTC.

The Technology: PHP, MySQL utilizing off-shore groups as well. WebRTC, API integration


Turnkey Solution For Construction Contractors

The Problem: The customer wanted to build a software solution for construction companies that they would use internally and also sell to other companies.

The Solution:  We gathered and refined requirements through a series of interviews. The design followed and was discussed with the customer to ensure we met his vision. This project was designed to be one we handed off to the project owner from the start. They would enhance and build the application. Therefore, they used their skills and resources rather than continue to utilize us. This reduced costs and ensured they had complete control and ownership of their project

The Technology: C#, SQL Server


Convert Access To C#/MySQL Desktop Application

The Problem: The customer had an Access application with over 100 reports that was bulky, outdated, and failed to serve their needs. This application had several screens to support data entry and maintenance for a member database.  The members had several classifications. It included ticket management for annual events as well as several tiers of dues calculations.

The Solution: Conversion from an Access DB to a desktop application. The 100+ reports in Access were intelligently combined to reduce the number of reports to less than 50. A relational database was used to reduce response times and ease data entry issues. This engagement included ongoing maintenance and enhancements for nearly fifteen years.

The Technology: C#, SQL Server


Social Networking Site

The Problem: The customer had a social networking site idea they wanted to bring to life.

The Solution: Built requirements, designed, implemented, and tested a new social networking site. There were a few versions of this created through an Alpha period. The site was never fully launched and instead was a moderately functional proof-of-concept used to shop for investors.

The Technology: PHP, MySQL, AWS

PHP application using MySQL that delivers online education to thousands of students across hundreds of campuses.  This work included new feature design and implementation, product development, and maintenance.  There was also some customer interaction as a tier two customer support role as needed (there was no tier three).