Our Blog

  • Is This An Improvement In Your Current Solution? – Defining ROI

    Is This An Improvement In Your Current Solution? – Defining ROI

    When defining ROI for a project, we must ensure that the changes we make are a step in the right direction. In some situations, adding a feature or even a new solution is a step backward. We can run into this when there is shiny new technology or some buzzword we hear and decide to…

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  • Know Your Customers – Who Will Use The Solution

    Know Your Customers – Who Will Use The Solution

    One of the most common oversights in a failed product is a failure to know your customers. That may seem an obvious requirement. However, they tend to be misunderstood. We often build a solution without spending time understanding how the users will see it and their needs. It is not the same as building a…

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  • Are There Industry Requirements Or Regulations

    Are There Industry Requirements Or Regulations

    We can have an incredible vision for a product and then fall short due to additional requirements. Industry requirements or regulations burden our solution and can even make it unviable. Likewise, these are often constraints on our solution that cannot be avoided or ignored. They might add to the cost and force the design to…

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