Technology works best when it is focused on business solutions
Tag: <span>projects</span>

Gathering and Defining Requirements

One of the first steps in any projects is gathering and defining requirements.  These are needed to measure whether the features being built are useful.  Requirements also give us a way to map progress and eventual success.  Sometimes there are projects where we will have all the information we need to get started.  However, most projects will require us to gather, define, and refine these details from others. Gathering Requirements The process of gathering requirements from others can be complicated …

Creating a Project Team – The Things to Consider

Whether you have resources on hand or are building from scratch, a good project team requires planning.  We always want to create a team that is more than a collection of the members.  Luckily, the history of good and bad teams gives us some keys to success. Communication As we see with project failure reasons, communication is important.  A good team will not only communicate among themselves, but there also should be someone that can share with others.  This role may …

Project Success – Solving The Right Problems

When we talk about starting a project off correctly, we often mention problems to be solved. Unfortunately, solving problems alone is not the path to success.  We must also make sure we are solving the right problems.  Luckily, this task is not challenging and just requires us to ask a few questions. Who Do We Ask? The first thing to do is to identify who speaks for the solution.  This speaker is the person or persons that will use the …