Technology works best when it is focused on business solutions
Tag: <span>projects</span>

Using Milestones For Project Communication and Success

One of the important parts of tracking project progress is defining milestones.  These are points during the project where the required tasks and the goals for time meet.  It only makes sense that the definition of milestones and how they are treated are an important part of project success. Defining Milestones Simplified Although these steps in the definition process are necessary, that does not mean they have to be complex.  Every project is different, but I have found these guidelines …

Key Attributes of A Good Team Lead

A good team lead is hard to find.  Unfortunately, it is a struggle required when building a team of almost any size.  The good news is that the traits that make a good lead are easy to spot.  Once you find someone that possesses these make sure you keep them happy. A Good Team Lead is a Communicator As obvious as this may seem, it is also the most critical trait.  A Lead communicates with customers, management, and staff.  Although …

Using a Clickable Demo

One of the challenges with any project is getting everyone on the same page.  Over the years I have found that the best tool to help solve this problem is a clickable demo.  The demo is so useful it is one of the first steps in a new project.  Creating the clickable demo can be simple and straightforward or a big effort in itself.  However, these actions make even a complex system easy to model. Go With the Flow An …