RB Consulting, Inc.

Technology works best when it is focused on business solutions
RB Consulting, Inc.

Managing Upgrades and Software Versions

Managing upgrades is something we all face. That. is true whether you are running your software in your house, at a small business, or for an enterprise. There are versions released regularly as often as quarterly, and sometimes we get the new version “free,” sometimes not. There are many things to consider when crafting a version roadmap for your software. Here are some things to help with that. These suggestions and warnings come from a broad experience with software and …

When To Fire A Client

Recent events have me thinking about the pros and cons of when to fire a client. It is often a difficult decision to make and even more complicated than accepting a contract or customer. The challenge in accepting a customer includes questions such as whether you can take on the additional work or the profitability of the work. Once you land a customer, you are used to that revenue and level of work. Yes, even if that work includes headaches. …